Dominator CNC

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Color: Silver
Controller and Steppers

PwnCNC Dominator CNC Machine.

We'll be the first in the market to launch a machine asking only 60% down-payment.  When we're within a few weeks of delivery we'll ask for the remaining 40%.  If all goes well, we expect preorder timeframe to be roughly 120-150 days before you have your machine shipped.

What's Included:

  • Masso Touch Control System * **
    • With your choice of 2Nm or 3Nm stepper motors
      Z stepper comes default with brake
      Note that it's recommend you choose the 2Nm unless you have the proper power requirements to handle the 3Nm motors.
  • Large cutting capacity with 2" front overhang perfect for dove-tail carving or ATC tool storage, tool setter, and more.
    • 2x4 features a 50" wide by 24" deep bed +2" front overhang
    • 4x4 features a 50" wide by 48" deep bed +2" front overhang
  • Flat bed design with several structural upgrades available to improve rigidity, eliminate middle-bed droop, and improve overall machine experience.
  • Z-Carriage with 8" of vertical travel, it also features up to 2" vertical positioning, perfect for realigning for very deep rotary carves
  • 80mm spindle mount standard
  • LED Gantry light to illuminate your work surface
  • 18x50 cable chains perfect for all your coolant/atc tubes and wires

Preorder Bonus (limited time only)

Optional Add-Ons and Upgrades:

  • Legs - these add a seriously rigid structure for your new machine to sit upon.  No more giggling or wiggling of your machine as these legs add a solid structure with beefy leveling feet.  Casters are being looked into as a first-class offering, but not available as an option at machine launch.
  • Gantry Rigidity Upgrade - Our gantry plates are made from thick 6061 Aluminum, but nothing says rigidity like adding additional vertical extrusions to further improve rigidity and alignment.
  • Bed Structural Upgrade - When it comes to a seriously stable bed, go no further than adding additional structural elements similar to a torsion box.  This upgrade adds front/back cross members to improve the overall bed sub-structure.
  • Bed Rigidity Upgrade - If you're looking to carve aluminum on a CNC machine, the last thing you need is the bed to bow and flex.  Our base machine is perfect for woodworkers but if you're wanting to carve metal, definitely look into structural and rigidity upgrades for the bed of your Dominator machine.  This upgrade adds left/right cross members to improve the overall rigidity of the machine by adding weight and structure.
  • 5th Leg - The above bed upgrades practically eliminate the need, but we were asked and we are delivering.  We'll be measuring the actual deflection of our various machine configurations in time, but to head off any doubts in how rigid and structurally sound our machines are we've decided to go even further by adding an option for a 5th leg.  This upgrade for our 4x4 machine adds a center-bed rigidity to eliminate any minute possibility of middle-bed deflection.
  • Second Spindle Mount - We have a second spindle mount on our prototype because it's 3d printed and was extremely pleased with the fact we mounted an ATC and even ran multiple carves.  The second mount added serious holding power for our ATC Motor.  We absolutely had to offer this as an optional upgrade for a machine called the Dominator!
    Stay tuned though... our Dominator can handle square spindles and you better believe we're researching 3hp and stronger spindle motors.
  • 4th Axis rotary capable of 15" diameter and 33" long stock material

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** BuildBotics controller option coming later.